More than sports

Believer Sports Academy Inc. transcends mere athletic training. Our faith-driven approach is tailored to nurture the comprehensive growth of young individuals—spirit, soul, and body.

Through our sports programs, we cultivate physical prowess in our youth while instilling Christ-like virtues, emphasizing the significance of unity amidst diversity. Although each player brings distinct talents to the team, they learn the value of collaboration, utilizing their unique strengths to enhance team performance. Just as the body of Christ comprises diverse parts that contribute to the kingdom of God, our players understand the power of collective effort.

We guide them to embrace their identity in Christ, empowering them to harness their inherent abilities for greater purpose and fulfillment.

For team sessions please give us a call.

Group Sessions: April 8th, 9th, & 10th Time: 6p-7p, 10 players max. First come, first served. There will be a waiting-list.

Individual Session: April 8th, 9th, 10th Time: 7:30p-8:30p, First come, first served. Saturday session begin 9am and last session is at 5pm.


Location: 63 Abbott hill road Dexter, ME 04930